ROCK & METAL COMBAT PODCAST To Appear At Rock n Pod 2 – Perks Available

The Nashville Rock n Pod Expo is proud to welcome back the ROCK & METAL COMBAT Podcast. This lively music podcast is all about discussing metal and rock, focusing on albums by artists such as AC/DC and Metallica. Hosted by Ralph Viera and Ian Wadley, it also takes an irreverent look at all things rock and metal!

The ROCK & METAL COMBAT Podcast has been kind(!) enough to offer perks for interested donors. Details below!

$10 We sleep with your mother

$20 We won’t sleep with your mother

$40 You pick a rock/metal album for us to review

$60 You pick a rock/metal album for us to review and you guest

$100 You pick a album you know we don’t wanna review and you guest

To register for any of these perks, please click on this link, add your name on the Go Fund Me page and confirm your donation by messenging the show via Ian’s Facebook page.